Organisation and Management

We have a people-centred organisation. Our employees work closely with our clients and are able to respond quickly and take on additional skills in order to solve complex tasks. We are also a growing organisation that is highly capable of welcoming and integrating new employees and acquired companies.
Dedicated client teams
As a client, you will be looked after by committed employees working together in small teams. This is an effective way of working and also boosts job satisfaction for new employees. In order to help you find the right contact, we have separated the business up into a number of business areas, we have then grouped our business areas into three segments, which gives PE a clearer structure from an investor perspective:
- Architecture & Management
- Civil Engineering & Infrastructure
- Systems
Management duties
PE’s CEO is subordinate to the Board of Directors and is responsible for the company’s ongoing management and day-to-day operations. The division of duties between the Board and the CEO is detailed in the procedural rules for the Board and the CEO instruction.
The CEO is also responsible for preparing reports and compiling information ahead of Board meetings, and presents material at Board meetings. The CEO keeps the Board continually informed of the Group’s performance, sales trends, earnings and financial position, significant business events, as well as any other event, circumstances or relationship that may be considered to be of material significance to the company’s shareholders.
The CEO and other members of Group management hold regular meetings throughout the financial year in order to follow up the company’s operating targets and the development of key performance indicators and to discuss the company’s future and strategy, as well as to make decisions on matters of group-wide importance.
Group management

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, born 1982
President and CEO
Employee since 2024
Education: Ph.D. in Economics from Lund University, Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Stockholm University.
Other roles: CEO of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Vice Chairman of Stockholmsmässan AB and Mässfastigheter i Stockholm AB, Board member of Stiftelsen Affärsvärlden, expert at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.
Other assignments: Board member of the Young Presidents’ Organization Sweden, Researcher at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at KTH.
Shareholding: 120 000 class B shares

Malin Ekstrand, born 1976
Employee since 2025
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration from Lund University
Other roles: Head of Business Finance Ramboll, Head of Finance Shared Services Skanska Sweden
Shareholding: 0
Management team

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou
President and CEO

Malin Ekstrand

Fredrik Toller
Business Area Manager, Architecture

Johanna Karlgren
Business Area Manager, Construction

Bo Nordensvan
Business Area Manager, Electrical, Telecommunications and Security

Jonas Arvidsson
Business Area Manager Project Management and Environment

Jonas Granzell
Business Area Manager, HVAC and Sanitation design

Marie Kumlin
Chief Legal Officer

Malin Gardikro
Head of HR